Saturday 28 July 2007

A parenting epiphany

The last few weeks have been very difficult in parenting terms. Eldest is at the end of Year 1 which, frankly, he has not enjoyed much - the school haven't really known what to do with him and parachuted him into Year 2 for a lot of the year. Middlest is just leaving pre-school to start school in September and is torn between excitement at being at school with his brother and fear at a different set of teachers, rules, uniform and so on. Littlest is going through the Terrible Twos and is demonstrating a truly dreadful temper, a tendency to pinch and scratch when thwarted, and a shriek like a pteradactyl.

All this is, of course, exacerbated by having to be out of the house during the day because of the building work. We are 'camping' with the grandparents during the day, which is causing all sorts of interesting conundra in terms of rules, eating habits, television and so on.

I have discovered during this time that I cannot withdraw my attention from the children for any period. I have given up trying to read / check my email / write a letter during the day at all. While we are so unsettled, they need all my attention during the day, if I'm to have any freedom to cook their tea without someone climbing my leg. But the odd thing is, I'm enjoying it. Ok, so watching Lazy Town isn't as intellectually challenging as trying to digest World News while someone attempts to carve their name into the dining table, but it's less destructive and therefore more rewarding. I find to my disquiet that by the end of the day I don't actually care about the World News and would rather have a bath and read Parson Woodforde, but THAT'S OK TOO. I am playing with my children all the time, and they are benefitting. Today, I played trains with #2 and #3 in the garden for half an hour, including making tunnels out of Ryvita boxes. Then they decided to run in and out of the French doors blowing raspberries (which I declined to join in with, much to next-door's amusement). Then, while #1 and #2 watched the Saturday Film with Daddy, #3 and I did some cooking. This evening, I got to sit with #1 while he did a science experiment and wrote his holiday diary. 10 years ago I'd have considered this a hideous imposition on my time, but I really enjoyed today. I hope we can all relax into the school holidays now and make some really nice memories out of them and this blog.

(Parson Woodforde moment - for dinner this evening, homemade French bread pizza, potato wedges with yoghurt for dipping and Saturday Sundae).

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