Thursday 2 August 2007

I clearly spoke too soon

Well, this week was going really well. We'd not really done anything of significance, but there hadn't been too much television, or fighting, and we had made some splendid playdough tea tables. We deliberately went 'things to do' shopping and bought pegs for making aeroplanes, a frisbee, some play sand, extra playdough and so on. Yesterday was particularly great, because we made a 'beach' in the garden (alright, a paddling pool and a sandpit, but you get the idea).

This morning it all fell over. It may be because the weather is a little bit cooler today, but despite trip to the garden centre to see the tropical fish, a drink and a biscuit while we were out and a play on the swings before lunch, they're all fighting madly again. I'm be tempted to sit them in front of the TV all afternoon, but I don't think the house would survive.

Hey ho. Let's see what happens.

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